Archicad 26 & Twinmotion 2023.1 (MAC) ArchiCad model shifts to another location when synchronising

Dear Community

I have several times experienced the following problem:

  • After synchronizing the Archicad Model with Twinmotion, the Model is located a few 100m away from the correct position in Twinmotion
  • My Twinmotion work (exterior greenery, interior furniture, camera positions, etc.) remain at the same place, just the ArchiCad model reappers some 100m away from...
  • This happens once in a while, not every time I synchronize...

Anyone encounters the same problem or knows how to fix it ?

Thanks for letting me know.

Hey Raffael,

Usually, this issue is due to your Archicad geometry being far away from the project's origin point (0,0).

More info on this error here:

I recommend moving that geometry closer to the project origin before syncing via Datasmith. Thanks,

I have the same problem but my object is not far from point 0.0.

The Archicad file has not been transferred, only the new version of UdataSmith is updated and placed in another location.

How can we solve the problem?

Hey Stefano,

Feel free to submit a bug report here so we can privately investigate your particular situation:

