We inherited a project where the main player is an ArchVis Character. We don’t like the smoothing it does when it stops moving and especially turning. So we want to slow down that “easing” it does. We actually want it to move like the first person player normally would. Twitchy and such. We can’t really replace the character because when we do that with a new actor, all of the references break things like even the menu system at the beginning. It’s weird and we don’t know blueprints well enough to do it right.
So the question is… How do we remove that easing and smoothness from the ArchVis character?
I don’t know about the character you have there, but I can say it’s possible to replace that blueprint with the first person character using the references replace tool in coupld of clicks:
It does work if used carefully. If you’re worried about it, just give it a go without saving or backup the project first…
Thanks for your reply. That certainly cleaned up the project. I actually found an easier way to do what I need. I just replace the parent class. If anyone is wondering, go into the blueprint you want changed and go to File>Reparent Blueprint. Seems to work like a charm!
Actually won’t work. WASD now is only obeying world vectors and not the player vectors. So ArchVis Character’s parent class is now my Regular_Character and so Regular_Character’s forward vector and right vector are static. I even point to “get character controller” from the “Get forward vector” and it won’t read the forward vector of the Archvis Character BP in the scene.
Heh, Okay. I’m a dummy. The Acceleration and Deceleration settings are right in the movement component for the Arch Vis character. Yeesh. I should have looked.