I was googling around for this but couldn’t find anything…
What would be the best approach to have a sort of arcade style autoplay feature…if the user boots up the game and the intro screen hangs for say 30 seconds…the game would automatically start playing. A lot like in an arcade…you see a computer user playing through some of the levels. How did they do that? Should I screen grab myself playing and play an mp4 until a user touches any key? How would that be done exactly? Or is there some way to do this with BP? Is there some feature I don’t know about that simplifies this maybe?
Thanks for any help!
AI. Have the AI controller grab the player and play the level as well. You may have to give the AI some intelligence, depending on your game. Just have a timer go off and run “Demonstration Blueprints” if no input is taken within a certain amount of time.
You could also record all the players input with timestamp, then have a mode that sends them to the PlayerCharacter at the same time. But, that’s a record and playback feature that if you don’t need for the rest of your game is probably a huge waste of time to create. There are a few ways to do playback, but they are all involved to some degree.