Arcade Classics Invaders and Asteroids - Remake Demos

I have created a demo with all of the game examples by using my “Arcade Starter Pack” marketplace asset.

Here are the old videos:

Asteroid -

Invaders -

New Video:

Here is the updated demo

EDIT: Updated the demo 11/20/23

Looking good, keep up the good work :slight_smile:

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I finally released the arcade starter pack!

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Looks really Solid. Is this 2D, 2.5, 3D?

It can be used for any game type, but the 2 included examples are using 2.5D
I may do a 2d example at some point, and have plans for a 3D example already.

I appreciate the reply. I’m only interested in 3D and was considering purchase if it was all 3D. I’ll be on the lookout for your 3D examples.

Exactly what types of 3D games are you looking for? The pack itself can make anything, as it’s all of the abstract backend classes, not actual character/player/enemy classes, but parents of those that someone would use in their own game creations. The included examples are just what I cooked together to show what the parent system could do.

My goal is to swap out the Game Entity 3D meshes with my own and move the camera around in different angles.

After reviewing the documentation I understand that Game Entities are Actors, which should allow me to add additional mesh components with ease. However, I had to dig for this info when a upfront video demonstration would eliminate any doubt.

The Video and Screenshots on the Store Pages appear to be 2D based on the camera perspective. I cannot ascertain if its using UMG widgets, Paper2d or 3D Planes for Game Entities. I elected to use UE4 for its 3D Power and I have strong hunch that a majority in this game dev community did the same.

In my opinion, showcasing both 2D and 3D capability and potential use would be a benefit to your sales. BTW, I highly encourage to include the video links on your store page. Its sort of expected and I believe it helps boost sales also.

Thanks for the feedback, I’ll be looking at making a new showcase of it being 3D. It’s strange, I thought it was obvious, but developing things sometimes causes myopia. Also, the videos and demos are posted in the sales page, but pointing here. I figured it would be a better way to link em, perhaps I’m wrong?

Either way, I’ll think up a good 3D type of example to make and look into fixing the rest.

Thank you.