April #UE4JAM Submission Thread

Title: Cyber Wolf Shaman: Guardian of the future nature
Team Name: xixgames
Team Members: Juan Belón

Objective: Kill cyber enemies in the right shape

Description: You are a techno-shaman with the ability of shape-shift, you can turn into a super-high-tech soldier (not done yet), a wolf or your natural shape (shaman). It’s spring a it’s the worst time to receive these exo-skeletons from other tribes to get your cave wonders!. Protect it.
Use the cave to recover your health, achieve the better score you can :slight_smile:


Download Game

Sound assets acquired from freesound.org and unreal tutorials
Char mesh assets : arteria3d
Cave from Luos

Thanks at all for your works, it’s so cool and beautyful :slight_smile: