what do you mean by interface
Or #7:
Or what I described in the previous posts, I’ve provided tangible working examples of re-routing input via messages that does not muddle the water by implementing EI in actors / widgets. Considering that the PC and the HUD class are very close friends:
You could treat it as an UI hub for comms, using this legacy class can often trivialise it.
Interface is an agnostic communication method, and one of the big three:
- direct comms
- event dispatchers
- interfaces
if i do this in the pc i need to pass (some of) it to the hud for the ui to process
if i do it in the hud, i need to pass the stuff the ui is not using and intended for the pc to the pc
There is a class designed for input processing, the will of the player - the Player Controller. Why fight the system? However, it’s your game, your script. It’s an unorthodox approach, though. Take my advice or leave it, ofc.
With the advent of the EI, you can implement input directly in widgets, actor components and more. However, you then must control the priority and consumption yourself. Here’s another example, focusing on consumption specifically:
Not sure if this helps or if that’s what you’re after.