I have a Character and Damage Actor, which has capsule component.
So, as you can see, while the character is inside that Damage Actor damage doesn’t applies. The Log here is the result of ApplyDamage function (which’s return type is bool)
The DamageActor has the following code in Tick function:
DrawDebugSphere(GetWorld(), GetActorLocation(), Radius, 24, SphereColor);
WasDamageApplied = UGameplayStatics::ApplyRadialDamage(GetWorld(), Damage, GetActorLocation(), Radius, nullptr, {}, this, nullptr, DoFullDamage);
UE_LOG(LogDamageActor, Display, TEXT("Apply: %s"), ( WasDamageApplied ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false") ));
The Character has a HealthComponent (which inherits from ActorComponent class). In BeginPlay function it has following lines:
AActor* ComponentOwner = GetOwner();
if (ComponentOwner)
ComponentOwner->OnTakeAnyDamage.AddDynamic(this, &USTUHealthComponent::OnTakeAnyDamage);
and the function of HealthComponent OnTakeAnyDamage just decreases health variable and make an ue_log, which doesn’t appears to be in output log. So probably the issue is with applyradialdamage function.
If you need anything else ask, thanks.