Apply root motion to character skeleton

Hi, so I got a character from the Marketplace and it has a stagger animation. The problem is that when I play it, it doesn’t move the actual actor with it. From what I’ve seen, I’m pretty sure it has to do with enabling root motion. However, when I enabled it, it didn’t change anything. Is there any way to fix this in the engine?

Hey @Zapking9224!

Was the animation supposed to be root motion? If the animation was not already intended and created for that use it will not act the way you are hoping. Have you also reached out to the Marketplace seller to see if they have a solution?

Any additional specifics you provide may go a long way in solving your problems!

Hi @Quetzalcodename!

I’m not sure if it was supposed to be root motion, but that’s why I was coming here to see if people have workarounds for that or something to allow it to work. It’s the monster2 character from the marketplace. I sent a question in the store and I’m just waiting to hear back from them. But aside from that, I’m stumped.

Hey @Zapking9224,

There are multiple Monster2 products on the marketplace. Mind linking which one it is?

Hey @Quetzalcodename,

I’m not sure where to get the link for it but here’s a screenshot of what it looks like and who made it.

Hey @Frendoman22,

So after checking the product page, the animations this comes with are not root motion, so you will not be able to enable the animations that come with it by default and have it work. You are going to need to create/alter your own animations for them to work the way you are wanting them to.


Hey @Quetzalcodename!

So I actually just came up with a workaround for this which worked out pretty nicely I think. I’ll also leave this here if other people have the same problem. Basically, this can work with any animation, but the problem I had was my animation was a stagger back animation which caused the actual model to move backwards. The problem was that it wasn’t root motion causing it to do that. So what I had to do was export the animation to blender and select the pelvis in my case and remove the translation (position) keys from it. Then I made sure that the animation looked the same just without moving its position. Then finally, I exported the animation back into Unreal Engine and when you open up the animation in the Engine, you select the root bone and click “+ Key” which at the top of the screen. Then I just positioned the character with the root bone selected to the position I wanted it and selected “+ Key” again. Then I made sure to select “Enable Root Motion” on the left of the screen under the “Root Motion” section. Now it works like how I want it and the capsule collision follows the skeleton’s animation.

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