Hi Guys,
I’m just starting to try to use Blueprints so maybe a noob question but I can’t find a solution anywhere on the internet.
I want to do this:
import a bunch of FBX files. let’s say 50 with there own texture. (the name of the FBX and the texture can be the same, or the name can be like T_importesFBXname).
- I have a master material. M_masterMaterial
- I want to attach a material instance of the masters material to each one of the 50 actors. So I get 50 Material instances with the name MI_importedFBXnames
- and then give all actors there unique texture (the texture is a param in my master material M_masterMaterial).
I don’t want to do this at runtime. It should function as a “after-import-create-materarialInstance-and-attach-the-right-texture-and-rock&roll” script.
Please help me out.