Hey! On the project start, I want to use the last used graphics settings like foliage, shadow, etc. To achieve this I found these nodes: Apply/Load/Save Settings. Unfortunately, it is doesn’t work for me. These nodes are enough to load the last used settings and i missed something or i have to use a SaveGame Blueprint?
You need to use the Apply Game Settings node, here are an image, and if you n\want I can send you my project that I hawe made taht will help you. Hope this vil help you
I will give you a project you a copy of my options menu form so you can migrate it to your project.
Name: FCS_Menu02
file size about 16.0 MB here
here is a link:
I hope this help you
Thank you for sharing this with me but unfortunately, this doesn’t solve my problem. The process is the same as on the image that I sent. I don’t saw anywhere the Load Settings node. With only the Apply Settings node your project is using the last adjusted graphics settings after the restart too?
Did you test it? It should auto apply the game settings, and save it.
what you need to if you want it to save to a save file is to make an intetder fot all the game settings you want to save and save and load them. I don’t now ho w to set that up, but I’m sure that you will be able to figure out how to do it.
Hot this will help you
I’m not sure you understand my problem, so let me tell you again. If you modify a graphics settings in runtime within a widget blueprint and you apply it (just like on my image) then close the project. The next time when you launch it as Standalone Game the changed settings will load automatically or you have to do something more?
I see you need to make intetder’s so you can save, so if you want to save the shadow quality you need to have an integer that will save the Shadow Quality only and a new contender for texture quality etc…
It won’t work in the Standalone Game mode in unreal, it will only work in an build game or the Deafult Play mode in Unreal Engine 4.
The Standalone Game don’t accsess the Game Settings in the engine, so it will alway fail to save the settings.
Okay, I don’t know about the Standalone Game doesn’t get access to the Game settings. After I packaged the project it works well.