Hi all , I have a skeletal mesh with few bones created in blender . when i tried to set physics type to kinematic on specific bones , then simulate , from the second and on going bones , it results in weired and wrong parent / snapping to one of the nearby bone. the first bone however is correctly simulated.any thoughts would be appreciated.
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What are you trying to do exactly?
There’s nodes that let you activate physical animations “on all bodies below”. You can leverage that without setting anything up as kinematic…
I removed all constraints and all the same… I added more chain bones and they all snaps immediately to root bone except first one. Pressed all possible button, played with a bunch of fields. Nothing!
Could very well be a new chaos “feature”.
If you think it’s a bug, fill in a bug report form.
Tried “on all bodies below” and all possible buttons too, nothing changed.
I will file the bug report and see.
Thank you all!
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