In my project simple Apply Damage from projectile to Destructible Mesh not working as I expected. I can break destructible mesh with Apply Radial Damage only, not Apply Damage. I was sure simple Apply Damage should work and I think it’s better for performance.
Maybe I missed some settings or just this should be only with radial damage?
This is my code for a toy tank game with the first photo being the bullet checking what object it hit and applying damage to the object. the second photo is the tank object taking the damage and - from overall health. hope it helps
Add a Cast To Destructive Component execution before you apply damage, and then drag off of the As pin to get the Apply Damage; your Apply Damage should have a Target is Destructible Component tag.
You can run your regular Apply Damage off the Cast Failed if it is working for everything else in your game.
Hi. I assume I can check hit on component, but I was sure here is simpler way. I have already hit actor in break hit. And with Radial Damage I even not need to show hit actor to apply damage.
This is just part of bullet hit code, I removed rest just because here was too much other actions.
So, only way is checking damage on actor not from bullet break hit?