Essentially there is a damage var in a struct that is set in the children. it applys once and then resets the do once. It works, except that damage received by the player is multiplied by 3. Here is how the player looks:
I know it is a mess, I’m sorry. When I play the game and select debug objects, the damage going into the base damage pin is correct. i.e. if the enemy does damage of 4, it will show 4. When I debug the player and hover over the Event Any Damage pin in the player, the amount received is multiplied by 3. so, a base damage of 4 comes through as 12.
there is no logic between apply damage and event any damage, so for the life of me, I cannot determine why it would multiply by 3. If any other screen shots are needed, I am happy to provide. Thanks in advance for any help!
coul you try to disconnect link after Delay going back to Once and see if it prints still x3? also does print on WeaponEnemyDetails damage prints correct damage?
Okay i did that and it still has the issue. ive been going over everything to try and determine if there is something between the any damage and the apply damage, or a variable somewhere that would change that value and i can not for the life of me find anything. i appreciate your help so far.
i would just like to add, that there appears to be a weapon still attached to enemies when there is literally no weapon in their hand. My weapon is setup to work when enemy weapon collides with the character. removing the weapon still causes damage.
also, I tried to add print string to damage causer and whatever “ghost weapon” is causing the issue is completely blank. When I attach the weapon back, I get the weapon name intermittently and then a lot of blanks.
Found the issue. i was using an anim notify with an apply damage when there was also damage coming from the weapon. removed the apply damage in anim notify and everything is back to normal!