I am using Xcode 10.1, UE4 Version 4.20. My development deployments on my Mac work perfectly. I am able to generate a Dev Provisioning Profile and lunch on my tablet without any issues. I then go and:
1- Generate a distribution certificate.
2- Make sure the APP ID contains the same BUNDLE ID as my project.
3- Generate a Distribution Provisioning Profile .
4- Select the Distribution Certificate and Provisioning Profiles on UE4 Project Settings inside IOS.
5- Set UE4 Build Config to Shipping
6- Build for IOS (Successfully)
7- I then Open Application Loader in Xcode and try to upload the generated .ipa but after some analyzing it says:
"ERROR ITMS-90161: "Invalid Provisioning Profile. The provisioning profile included in the bundle com.xxxxx.xxxxx [Payload/xxxxx.app] is invalid. [Missing code-signing certificate]. A Distribution Provisioning profile should be used when submitting apps to the App Store. "
I have same problem. If i find solution - i will write here
I would highly appreciate that. I will do the same if I solve it first. I started working on bug fixes in the meantime but since it seems like I am not the only one I will try to solve it once again.
Hello Nickdp, were you able to resolve this issue?
Apparently my issue is my app is larger than the Max App Size allowed by Application Loader. Idiotic Apple is saying “Invalid Provisioning Profile.” when it should say “File too large”.