Apple Vision Pro Archive Error

Issue Description:

While trying to archive my project, I encountered some auto-linking library errors. The specific error messages are as follows:

ld: warning: Could not find or use auto-linked library 'swiftCxx': library 'swiftCxx' not found
ld: warning: Could not find or use auto-linked library 'swiftCxxStdlib': library 'swiftCxxStdlib' not found
ld: warning: Could not find or use auto-linked framework 'CoreAudioTypes': framework 'CoreAudioTypes' not found

Environment Information:

  • UnrealEditor version: 5.4.4-0+UE5 from source code
  • Xcode version: 15.2
  • Target platform: VisionOS

Solutions I’ve tried:

  1. Generate Xcode project **.xcworkspace and added LinkBinaryWithLibraries compilation

However, the issue persists. I’m unsure whether it’s caused by missing libraries or a configuration problem in UnrealEditor/Xcode. How can I fix this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!