Apple Pro Res settings are not carried over if you choose to run a separate Movie Process

Apple Pro Res settings are not carried over if you choose to run a separate Movie Process

If you choose to use the Sequencer’s Render function and choose ‘Apple Pro Res’ as your ‘Image Output Format’ (only if you enable the Apple Pro Res plugin) all settings can be altered in normal render mode, including setting Pro Res to one of a number of Pro Res settings including “Pro Res Proxy.” However, once you try to run the Render in a separate process, it appears these settings are not passed over to the new process and uses the default Pro Res setting which is 4444 at much higher bit depth (12 bits) and bitrate than I need and negating the benefit of running the render process separately which is performance, which in my case is almost 4 to 1 processing speed performance since I now have to use FFMpeg to convert it back to Pro Res LT.

Before anyone suggest using .avi. It is only 8 bit encoding and cannot be used for HDR processing.

I am also aware the Matinee Render Mode is suppose to go away and to be replaced by the new ‘Video Render Queue’ but this is buggy and does not actually use the cameras you set up in Sequencer, notably in my case of creating a special orthographic camera to capture a image off a plane (stereo 360 over/under process) the camera created by new Render Queue function ignores this setting, or for that matter many of the camera settings, so I hope the legacy Sequence Render function does not go away anytime soon and Apple Pro Res features are passed over to the separate process, or more control is offered in the new Video Render Queue so that I can render efficiently without requiring a ton of conversion/video editing.
