Append to text in Widget Blueprint

What I am trying to do is build a calculator to help familiarize myself with Blueprint.

I am attempting to allow the user to click buttons to perform a small function (IE: Press the 7 button, and it appends 7 to what has already been entered on the screen [the textbox]).

I have been reading about binding the textbox value to a variable. But I am not at all sure I am doing it right.

Here is what I have:

All I have been able to do is program in the logic I think I need to grab the value I have in the Screen variable, and combine it with another value, which I don’t know how to point at the button being pressed. I also don’t know how to connect the Get Text 1 node to all this.

Hello. For leaning purpose. With what we see in this screenshot, select your Btn1 and look under the details panel, There a Event panel where you can select the OnPressed Event. From the new node created you can set the string value with the value you want for eaach Btn On Pressed Event. I dont now if you can follow. ahah. And your Get Text 1 node should be connected to your Set screen node.