...\AppData\Local\Temp\RealityCapture HUGE!!

I started using the Steam version of RC last week and noticed my SSD main drive losing space rapidly. Using a Windows Directory Statistics app I narrowed it down to a temp folder for RC.


It’s almost 75Gig!!!

Please see attached screenshot.

Can I delete these? Should they be auto-deleting?

Ok, found the clear cache button and clear cache on exit in the application settings. Is there any advantage to not setting Clear Cache on exit to true?

RealityCapture caches the data it gets from processing the images for faster re-alignment and depth mapping.
You can change the cache location by going into the the workflow tab>Application ‘box’ > Settings then change the Cache location from System Temp to any other location.

There is also a button which erases all temp files, which is probably what you are after.

Best if you save it on a FAST and LARGE drive, ideally a 256-512 GB SSD if you use an ‘ordinary-sized’ dataset, say 2000-5000 images.
The cache can be cleared from time to time… Best if you create your own folder, like X:/RC_TEMP/


Ok, found the clear cache button and clear cache on exit in the application settings. Is there any advantage to not setting Clear Cache on exit to true?

Cache / Temp folder

Thanks everyone for the quick responses!! :slight_smile:

Set cache and data location to another drive in the app settings.