My game is rejected from Apple store/ App store connect because of non-public APIs. So I tested the App Store Connect with a default Unreal third person template.
It got rejected too, with the same message from Apple. So the problem must be in Unreal. Same problem with 5.0 to 5.4.2.
The game works fine in Testflight and it gets Validated. But when distibuted, it gets rejected.
Your app uses or references the following non-public or deprecated APIs:
• __dyld_get_image_uuid
Does anybody have any idea where do these “dyld_get_image_uuid” refer to?
Does anybody have any idea how to avoid this?
Does anybody have any idea how to solve this?
Any help highly respected. I have spend two months trying to solve this:)
Yours, Ramses
Here are the problem makers.
find /Users/XXXXX/Desktop/XXXX/Binaries/Mac/XXXXXX.app/Contents/UE/Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/Apple/MetalShaderConverter/Mac -type f -perm +111 -exec otool -Iv {} + 2>/dev/null | grep __dyld_get_image_uuid
0x000000000136079e 325004 __dyld_get_image_uuid
0x000000000167c4c0 325004 __dyld_get_image_uuid
0x00000000012c62a0 374767 __dyld_get_image_uuid
0x00000000015e8468 374767 __dyld_get_image_uuid