Hi all. In my project I use Oculus source Engine 25.1 from GitHub and VoIP Talker for VoIPchat.
When I try switch on permission “permission.RECORD_AUDIO” for app, app crashes with error:
[2020.08.09-06.21.07:081][ 83]LogAndroid: Error: Assertion failed: RawCaptureData.Num() >= (int32)(TotalVoiceBytes) [File:G:/UE4SourceEngine/UnrealEngine-4.25_Oculus/Engine/Plugins/Online/OnlineSubsystemUtils/Source/OnlineSubsystemUtils/Private/Tests/TestVoice.cpp] [Line: 294]
Problem line: VOICE_BUFFER_CHECK(RawCaptureData, TotalVoiceBytes);
This is a macros for checking captured data and total voice bytes. But app don’t canpture any data, just crashes.
Is this a bug or am I missing something? If it’s not a bug, how to fix it?
Solved. Update engine(occulus) to 25.3, add extra permition for microphone(permission.RECORD_AUDIO) in DefaultEngine.ini and some code in blueprints for acquiring this rule. Now it is work and i have’t any crashes.
Solved. Update engine(occulus) to 25.3, add extra permition for microphone(permission.RECORD_AUDIO) in DefaultEngine.ini and some code in blueprints for acquiring this rule. Now it is work and i have’t any crashes.
Hey, I am using the same plugin and have problems getting it to work on the quest2. Can you share what you did to make it work?