App Crashed on Launch on iPad Mini, not other iPads

Our game crashes when the startup movies are finished on an iPad Mini 2. We’ve tested on both the Air 2, iPhone6 and iPad Air - all of which run the app fine. The Startup Movies are also incredibly slow to render, although the audio comes out just fine.

This might possibly be linked to another issue I posted recently, where the Game Center system is trying to login before the game has been properly initialized.

I only have Windows available to me so I extracted the logs using iPhonePackager.exe, but they tell me next to nothing… as you can see from the attached log.

Any ideas on what to try here? We can’t even attach a debugger can we?
link text

Hey TheJamsh,

So the iPad Mini 2 might be falling under another feature level as the Air 2 and iPhone6 are newer. Have you set up your quality levels and feature level switches within your mobile materials?

Is there a way you might be able to reproduce this issue in a simple blank project?

Could you provide me with the link to that other issue, just so I can have some full visibility on the issues related.


Hi Andrew,

We’ve set them up but the materials are all relatively simple as-is. The older iPad Air 1 that we have runs the game okay and doesn’t fail.

We’re currently using the same Device Profile for all IOS devices however, which is this:

[IOS DeviceProfile]

This was the issue I posted in regards to Game Center. Since I can’t see a workaround for this one I’m just going to have to manually delay the login process until after the videos are finished. (Really, the issue is that iOS doesn’t respect the ‘Skippable’ flag for Startup Movies).

Great, thanks for providing me with the link.

Can you reproduce this in a blank project just using the three videos you mention in the other post?

If so, see if you can’t get that project over to me so I can test it on a similar device and get a bug reported entered if necessary.

Thank you,