Hi everybody,
I have uploaded an app on PlayStore that crash for some android devices.
The error is:
#00 pc 0159bd68 /data/app/com.###.###-1/lib/arm/libUE4.so (_ZN13FZipUnionFile12AddPatchFileE10TSharedPtrI18FFileHandleAndroidL7ESPMode0EE+32)
#01 pc 0159b7f0 /data/app/com.###.###-1/lib/arm/libUE4.so (_ZN20FAndroidPlatformFile8MountOBBEPKw+100)
#02 pc 0159a5b4 /data/app/com.###.###-1/lib/arm/libUE4.so (_ZN20FAndroidPlatformFile10InitializeEP13IPlatformFilePKw+1452)
#03 pc 01557c34 /data/app/com.###.###-1/lib/arm/libUE4.so (_Z11AndroidMainP11android_app+2708)
#04 pc 0155b4ac /data/app/com.###.###-1/lib/arm/libUE4.so (android_main+120)
#05 pc 0156f138 /data/app/com.###.###-1/lib/arm/libUE4.so
#06 pc 000423ab /system/lib/libc.so (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30)
#07 pc 00019325 /system/lib/libc.so (__start_thread+6)
This crash occurs on 4 devices:
- HTC 10 (htc_pmeuhl)
- Galaxy S6 Edge (zerolte)
- Galaxy S5 (klte)
- ZenFone 2 Laser (ASUS_Z00L_63)
What they have in common is:
- Android 6.0.1
- OpenGL ES version 3.0
- Native platform armeabi-v7a
The project has support for armv7 and for OpenGL ES2, and I have compiled with SDK level 24 and NDK level 19 in order to have GoogleVR plugin works (Trouble packaging Google VR project for Android. For Distribution - Mobile - Epic Developer Community Forums).
I don’t know how to debug this.
Can you help me reading the backtrace?
Thanks for any suggestion.
- Are you able to reproduce this issue on your own, in a new project?
- If so, do you have the reproduction steps to provide to me?
- Are you able to obtain the logcat files?
- Have you tested 4.15 Preview (just as a testcase)?
If you are able to provide the logcat files, please follow these steps:
- Attach your phone to the computer
- Go here: C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
- Open up Monitor.bat
- Launch the program and save the logs
If you cannot get Monitor.bat to open, please go to:
- C:\android-sdk-windows\tools\lib\monitor-x86
- Open up Monitor.exe
- Follow the instructions above
Make sure that you highlight all of the logs, because they do not save unless they’re highlighted.
Thank you!
Hi , thanks for reply.
I’ll give you log files when I’ll found a device to test on.
I’ve received those crash from developer console but I don’t have a device to reproduce the issue.
Forget what I have just said.
I just tested on a Samsung S6 (Android 6.0.1): a shipping version of the app from Unreal work correctly (installed manually), but if I download the app from the play store, it crash at start.
I’ll attach the [log file][1]. I clear all filters, so it’s a little verbose. I think the problem start at line 497.
I have to say that at begin play on game mode (so I think approximately at the starts of the app) I’m looking for a save game and if it does not exist I’ll create it. Maybe some write permission issue?
Thanks for support.
You’re experiencing a signal 11 crash. This is a memory related issue. Please make sure you have enough memory on your device to run the project. If you have enough memory, there may be a memory leak that you’ll need to look in to.
It could be as simple as a couple lines of code that you’ve entered incorrectly, or improperly for what you’re trying to achieve.
If you’re able to reproduce this issue on multiple devices, please reply back with fully reproduction steps.
02-03 18:07:52.341: A/libc(25027): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x0 in tid 25050 (Thread-347)
02-03 18:07:52.351: D/ViewRootImpl(25027): #1 mView = com.android.internal.policy.PhoneWindow$DecorView{b3a12b5 I.E...... R.....ID 0,0-0,0}
02-03 18:07:52.351: D/ISSUE_DEBUG(3451): InputChannelName : c46bef com.rainbowcgi.Uragme/com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity
02-03 18:07:52.351: D/ActivityManager(3451): post active change for 0 fullscreen true isFloatingActivity() false isHomeActivity() false
02-03 18:07:52.351: D/KnoxTimeoutHandler(3451): postActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-03 18:07:52.351: D/KnoxTimeoutHandler(3451): handleActiveUserChange [MsgParam] userId: 0 fullscreen is true showWhenlocked is false
02-03 18:07:52.351: I/KnoxTimeoutHandler(3451): Shared devices show statefalse
02-03 18:07:52.351: I/SurfaceFlinger(3046): id=537 createSurf (2560x1440),2 flag=404, HameActivit
02-03 18:07:52.361: D/StatusBarManagerService(3451): manageDisableList userId=0 what=0x0 pkg=Window{48a68f6 u0 d0 com.rainbowcgi.Uragme/com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity}
02-03 18:07:52.361: D/PhoneStatusBar(4054): setSystemUiVisibility vis=8f06 mask=ffffffff oldVal=8000 newVal=8f06 diff=f06
02-03 18:07:52.361: D/InputDispatcher(3451): Focus entered window: 25027
02-03 18:07:52.361: D/PointerIcon(3451): setMouseIconStyle1 pointerType: 1001 iconType:101 flag:0 pid:3451 uid:1000
02-03 18:07:52.361: D/PointerIcon(3451): setMouseCustomIcon IconType is same.101
02-03 18:07:52.361: I/SurfaceFlinger(3046): id=538 createSurf (2560x1440),1 flag=4, HameActivit
02-03 18:07:52.361: I/SurfaceFlinger(3046): id=539 createSurf (2560x1440),4 flag=404, TurfaceView
02-03 18:07:52.371: V/WindowStateAnimator(3451): Finishing drawing window Window{8982185 u0 d0 SurfaceView}: mDrawState=DRAW_PENDING
02-03 18:07:52.371: D/InputMethodManagerService(3451): windowGainedFocus mCurrentFocusedUserId - 0 and mSecureKeypadEnabled-false
02-03 18:07:52.381: D/SamsungIME(5356): IMPL finishInput
02-03 18:07:52.381: D/SamsungIME(5356): SwiftKeyWrapper writeDBdataToFileOnFinishInput
02-03 18:07:52.381: D/SamsungIME(5356): saveAndClear +
02-03 18:07:52.381: D/SamsungIME(5356): saveAndClear -
02-03 18:07:52.381: D/SamsungIME(5356): onStartInput: No inputType, No imeOption, isInputViewShown = false, isExtractViewShown = false, isShowInputRequested = false, isConfigChanged = true
02-03 18:07:52.391: E/SamsungIME(5356): resetNeedToLoadHwrLibrary : 0
02-03 18:07:52.391: I/SamsungIME(5356): putCacheDrawable inputModule=0 key =ICON_SETTING
02-03 18:07:52.391: A/DEBUG(3055): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
02-03 18:07:52.391: A/DEBUG(3055): Build fingerprint: 'samsung/zerofltexx/zeroflte:6.0.1/MMB29K/G920FXXS4DPJ2:/release-keys'
02-03 18:07:52.391: A/DEBUG(3055): Revision: '11'
02-03 18:07:52.391: A/DEBUG(3055): ABI: 'arm'
02-03 18:07:52.391: A/DEBUG(3055): pid: 25027, tid: 25050, name: Thread-347 >>> com.rainbowcgi.Uragme <<<
02-03 18:07:52.401: A/DEBUG(3055): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0
02-03 18:07:52.401: A/DEBUG(3055): r0 00000000 r1 d83fff08 r2 00004001 r3 00000001
02-03 18:07:52.401: A/DEBUG(3055): r4 dcf1a944 r5 f33b7500 r6 dcf1a93c r7 d83fff08
02-03 18:07:52.401: A/DEBUG(3055): r8 00000001 r9 eec59480 sl 00000037 fp d83fff00
02-03 18:07:52.401: A/DEBUG(3055): ip 000061da sp d83ffc08 lr d9c3a7f4 pc d9c3ad68 cpsr 400d0010
02-03 18:07:52.411: A/DEBUG(3055): backtrace:
02-03 18:07:52.411: A/DEBUG(3055): #00 pc 0159bd68 /data/app/com.rainbowcgi.Uragme-1/lib/arm/libUE4.so (_ZN13FZipUnionFile12AddPatchFileE10TSharedPtrI18FFileHandleAndroidL7ESPMode0EE+32)
02-03 18:07:52.411: A/DEBUG(3055): #01 pc 0159b7f0 /data/app/com.rainbowcgi.Uragme-1/lib/arm/libUE4.so (_ZN20FAndroidPlatformFile8MountOBBEPKw+100)
02-03 18:07:52.411: A/DEBUG(3055): #02 pc 0159a5b4 /data/app/com.rainbowcgi.Uragme-1/lib/arm/libUE4.so (_ZN20FAndroidPlatformFile10InitializeEP13IPlatformFilePKw+1452)
02-03 18:07:52.411: A/DEBUG(3055): #03 pc 01557c34 /data/app/com.rainbowcgi.Uragme-1/lib/arm/libUE4.so (_Z11AndroidMainP11android_app+2708)
02-03 18:07:52.411: A/DEBUG(3055): #04 pc 0155b4ac /data/app/com.rainbowcgi.Uragme-1/lib/arm/libUE4.so (android_main+120)
02-03 18:07:52.411: A/DEBUG(3055): #05 pc 0156f138 /data/app/com.rainbowcgi.Uragme-1/lib/arm/libUE4.so
02-03 18:07:52.411: A/DEBUG(3055): #06 pc 0003fc63 /system/lib/libc.so (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+30)
02-03 18:07:52.411: A/DEBUG(3055): #07 pc 0001a39b /system/lib/libc.so (__start_thread+6)
02-03 18:07:52.591: A/DEBUG(3055): Tombstone written to: /data/tombstones/tombstone_08
02-03 18:07:52.591: E/DEBUG(3055): AM write failed: Broken pipe
“It could be as simple as a couple lines of code that you’ve entered incorrectly” This brought me to correct direction and I removed around 20 begin plays in the blueprints and now it can launch properly. Now I am gonna connect them half-by-half to detect the real problem location.
did you ever fix the problem I’m having the same trouble and my app is suffering for it.