App Binaries are flagged as the same between projects(iOS)


I had packaged and uploaded two games from two different projects, each one had different blueprint logic, assets, and content such as menus, levels, etc. After packaging for iOS and uploading to apple app review process, they flagged the games as having the same binaires or being very close to the same.

My question is if this is just how unreal engine 4.27 packages in that every ipa file is similar even between completely different projects, or am I missing something in the packaging settings? I have it set to distribution with different provisioning profiles per app, I am using the same certificates between both though as they seemed to only need 2 per apple account( developer and shipping).

Thank you in advance to anyone that helps out.

Solved: If anyone gets this issue with the app store, be sure to uncheck “use .pak files” in the packaging settings. apple cannot read the pak files, so if you have a previous app that uses them all they can see is you renamed the pak file and submitted it to them.