apologises for the constantly full PM Inbox

Hi All,

I’ve noticed that over time, lots of people have tried to contact me via PM. Unfortunately due to the low limit, my inbox fills up rapidly, and I tend to forget about the limit, and since I dont tend to check my email regularly, I don’t notice. I would firstly like to apologize for all the people who have tried to contact me only to be confronted with a full mailbox, and secondly state that if you are unable to get a hold of me through PM, then I can usually be found on IRC at #unrealengine

I have emptied my inbox, so hopefully it will be good for at least a couple of days, so if you wish to re-send what you wanted to say originally, please feel free to do so and I will get back to you ASAP.

Thanks for your time,

Also make sure to delete the messages in the “sent items” tab :slight_smile: