APK Packaging for Android using UE4.11.2

This is the log;

LogPlayLevel: Launcher Device ID: Android_ATC@BH9002TC1K
LogPlayLevel: PlayLevel: No blueprints needed recompiling
LogStats:Warning: MetaData mismatch. Did you assign a stat to two groups? New //STATGROUP_Threads//FLauncherTask///Thread_1fa8_0///####STATCAT_Advanced#### old //STATGROUP_Threads//FLauncherTask///Thread_25f8_0///####STATCAT_Advanced####
LogStats:Warning: MetaData mismatch. Did you assign a stat to two groups? New //STATGROUP_Threads//LauncherWorker///Thread_f38_0///####STATCAT_Advanced#### old //STATGROUP_Threads//LauncherWorker///Thread_d94_0///####STATCAT_Advanced####
LogChunkManifestGenerator: Updated collection PackagesRemovedFromChunk0
LogChunkManifestGenerator: Chunk: 0, Started with 3298 packages, Final after dependency resolve: 3298
LogChunkManifestGenerator:Display: Saving asset registry.
LogChunkManifestGenerator:Display: Generated asset registry num assets 3186, size is 1027.43kb
LogChunkManifestGenerator:Display: Done saving asset registry.
LogCook:Display: Cook by the book total time in tick 0.000017s total time 3.603692
LogStats:Warning: MetaData mismatch. Did you assign a stat to two groups? New //STATGROUP_Threads//FLauncherTask///Thread_9d8_0///####STATCAT_Advanced#### old //STATGROUP_Threads//FLauncherTask///Thread_25f8_0///####STATCAT_Advanced####
LogPlayLevel: Completed Launch On Stage: Cooking in the editor, Time: 1.401504
LogStats:Warning: MetaData mismatch. Did you assign a stat to two groups? New //STATGROUP_Threads//FLauncherTask///Thread_223c_0///####STATCAT_Advanced#### old //STATGROUP_Threads//FLauncherTask///Thread_25f8_0///####STATCAT_Advanced####
LogPlayLevel: Running AutomationTool...
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: 2016-11-23T21:42:53.0678277Z: Running on WindowsHostPlatform as a 64-bit process.
LogPlayLevel: Automation.ParseCommandLine: Parsing command line: -ScriptsForProject=D:/Perforce/BlackJack/BlackJack.uproject BuildCookRun -project=D:/Perforce/BlackJack/BlackJack.uproject -noP4 -clientconfig=Development -serverconfig=Development -nocompile -nocompileeditor -installed -ue4exe=UE4Editor-Cmd.exe -utf8output -platform=Android_ATC -targetplatform
=Android -cookflavor=ATC -build -map=/Game/LaDiablaAssets/Maps/BlackJackEntry -skipcook -iterativecooking -compressed -iterativedeploy -stage -deploy -cmdline=/Game/LaDiablaAssets/Maps/BlackJackEntry -Messaging -device=Android_ATC@BH9002TC1K -addcmdline=-SessionId=320600ED4379A64E3A733D9C502131D7 -SessionOwner='-MSI' -SessionName='Launch On Device'  -run
LogPlayLevel: Automation.Process: Setting up command environment.
LogPlayLevel: CommandEnvironment.SetupBuildEnvironment: WARNING: D:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools\..\IDE\Devenv.com does not exist.
LogPlayLevel: CommandEnvironment.SetupBuildEnvironment: WARNING: Assuming no solution compilation capability.
LogPlayLevel: Automation.Process: Compiling scripts.
LogPlayLevel: BuildCookRun.SetupParams: Setting up ProjectParams for D:\Perforce\BlackJack\BlackJack.uproject
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception: System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added.
LogPlayLevel:    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
LogPlayLevel:    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.ProjectUtils.CompileAndLoadTargetsAssembly(ProjectProperties Properties, FileReference TargetsDllFilename, Boolean DoNotCompile, List`1 TargetScripts)
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.ProjectUtils.DetectTargetsForProject(ProjectProperties Properties, List`1 ExtraSearchPaths)
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.ProjectUtils.DetectProjectProperties(FileReference RawProjectPath, List`1 ClientTargetPlatforms, Boolean AssetNativizationRequested)
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.ProjectUtils.GetProjectProperties(FileReference RawProjectPath, List`1 ClientTargetPlatforms, Boolean AssetNativizationRequested)
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.ProjectParams.AutodetectSettings(Boolean bReset)
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.ProjectParams..ctor(FileReference RawProjectPath, CommandUtils Command, String Device, String MapToRun, String AdditionalServerMapParams, ParamList`1 Port, String RunCommandline, String StageCommandline, String BundleName, String StageDirectoryParam, String UE4Exe, String SignPak, List`1 ClientConfigsToBuild, List`1 ServerC
onfigsToBuild, ParamList`1 MapsToCook, ParamList`1 DirectoriesToCook, String InternationalizationPreset, ParamList`1 CulturesToCook, ParamList`1 ClientCookedTargets, ParamList`1 EditorTargets, ParamList`1 ServerCookedTargets, List`1 ClientTargetPlatforms, Dictionary`2 ClientDependentPlatformMap, List`1 ServerTargetPlatforms, Dictionary`2 ServerDependentPlatf
ormMap, Nullable`1 Build, Nullable`1 Cook, String CookFlavor, Nullable`1 Run, Nullable`1 SkipServer, Nullable`1 Clean, Nullable`1 Compressed, Nullable`1 UseDebugParamForEditorExe, Nullable`1 IterativeCooking, Nullable`1 CookAll, Nullable`1 CookMapsOnly, Nullable`1 CookOnTheFly, Nullable`1 CookOnTheFlyStreaming, Nullable`1 UnversionedCookedContent, Nullable`1
 SkipCookingEditorContent, Nullable`1 NumCookersToSpawn, String AdditionalCookerOptions, String BasedOnReleaseVersion, String CreateReleaseVersion, String CreateReleaseVersionBasePath, String BasedOnReleaseVersionBasePath, Nullable`1 GeneratePatch, String DLCName, String DiffCookedContentPath, Nullable`1 DLCIncludeEngineContent, Nullable`1 NewCook, Nullable`
1 OldCook, Nullable`1 CrashReporter, Nullable`1 DedicatedServer, Nullable`1 Client, Nullable`1 Deploy, Nullable`1 FileServer, Nullable`1 Foreign, Nullable`1 ForeignCode, Nullable`1 LogWindow, Nullable`1 NoCleanStage, Nullable`1 NoClient, Nullable`1 NoDebugInfo, Nullable`1 NoXGE, Nullable`1 Package, Nullable`1 Pak, Nullable`1 Prereqs, Nullable`1 NoBootstrapEx
e, Nullable`1 SignedPak, Nullable`1 NullRHI, Nullable`1 FakeClient, Nullable`1 EditorTest, Nullable`1 RunAutomationTests, String RunAutomationTest, Nullable`1 CrashIndex, Nullable`1 Rocket, Nullable`1 SkipCook, Nullable`1 SkipCookOnTheFly, Nullable`1 SkipPak, Nullable`1 SkipStage, Nullable`1 Stage, Nullable`1 Manifests, Nullable`1 CreateChunkInstall, Nullabl
e`1 Unattended, Nullable`1 NumClients, Nullable`1 Archive, String ArchiveDirectoryParam, Nullable`1 ArchiveMetaData, Nullable`1 CreateAppBundle, ParamList`1 ProgramTargets, Nullable`1 Distribution, Nullable`1 Prebuilt, Nullable`1 RunTimeoutSeconds, String SpecifiedArchitecture, Nullable`1 IterativeDeploy, Nullable`1 FastCook, Nullable`1 IgnoreCookErrors, Nul
lable`1 RunAssetNativization, Nullable`1 CodeSign, Nullable`1 UploadSymbols, String Provision, String Certificate, ParamList`1 InMapsToRebuildLightMaps, ParamList`1 TitleID)
LogPlayLevel:    at BuildCookRun.SetupParams()
LogPlayLevel:    at BuildCookRun.ExecuteBuild()
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.BuildCommand.Execute()
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.Automation.Execute(List`1 CommandsToExecute, CaselessDictionary`1 Commands)
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.Automation.Process(String[] CommandLine)
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.Program.MainProc(Object Param)
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.InternalUtils.RunSingleInstance(Func`2 Main, Object Param)
LogPlayLevel:    at AutomationTool.Program.Main()
LogPlayLevel: Program.Main: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=1 (Error_Unknown)
LogPlayLevel: Domain_ProcessExit
LogPlayLevel: copying UAT log files...
LogPlayLevel: Completed Launch On Stage: Build Task, Time: 0.752042
PackagingResults:Error: Error Launch failed! Unknown Error


Please delete your Intermediate and Saved folders and try to package again. If that does not work, try creating a blank project and migrating your whole project over into the new project. If you’re not interested in migrating your project to a new blank project, try creating a COPY of your project in a newer version of the engine.

Let me know what works for you, provide new logs if you run into errors.


Just to learn and know, WHY do we have to delete those folders?

Sometimes it cleans out ‘old’ or corrupted files, which can help resolve packaging issues. It doesn’t always work, but sometimes it does the trick. :slight_smile:

Thanks it works but know I’m packaging for shipping and distribution but no results always an error.

Attached the LOG File:
[Log 201612][1]

118300-log+ue4.txt (112 KB)

Thanks it works to pack but know I’m trying for distribution and shipment but it wont let me and I have All items need it Android Key, Ads number etc…


I see that your game project folder name is ‘BlackJack Android Development’…Can you have spaces in your folder names?

Thanks for the answer, but I don’t think that’s the issue.

Why that would be a problem now, if I have packed before?


What do you mean it won’t let you package? Could you please upload new error output logs?


the log file attached is the latest one.
118300-log+ue4.txt (112 KB)

118300-log+ue4.txt (112 KB)

Please follow the [guidance provided in this forum post][1]. Please let me know if this does not resolve the issue for you.


Packaging for Android in Shipping mode fails - Feedback & Requests - Epic Developer Community Forums