[ API Request ] GetCurrentAmmo()


With the latest update, you’ve introduced the HUDEquippedItem ViewModel, which includes many useful parameters.

Would it be possible to expose all these parameters directly in the API?

For example, a function like GetCurrentAmmo() would be extremely useful.

Thank you for your time!

Best regards,

I think until they allow us to use the unique item codes then unfortunately you would need to use a cond button to get item count

Sounds like a good idea tho

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Right now the conditional button and the player marker device can tell you how many items you have, but for ammo it’s different because it doesn’t count how many you have loaded into the weapon but only how many you have in your inventory.

oh i see what you mean now yea i agree this is a limitation

You could come up with some mechanic to help work it out but itd be a time consuming process i imagine

Yeah, I found a couple of workarounds but they are not perfect at all.
As you said, it’s a not necessary time consuming process, with those features I can easily focus on other aspect of the game.

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