"Api-ms-win-crt-runtime-|1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer" error

I keep trying to launch Unreal Engine 4.10, but everytime I get this error. (below) Can anyone help me?

I’m on Windows 8.1, by the way.
Also, this is my first forum post, so I’m just introducing myself around.


Hey -

4.10 uses Visual Studio 2015. If you are not using VS2015 you can install the free Community version to use with the editor. If you’re still getting this error after installing VS2015 you may need to reinstall the engine version. You can check this link for additional information:


since i solved the problem in a somewhat way that was explained no where i thought i let this infos at least stand somewhere related

i had win 7 with .net 3.5 4.0 4.5 vcd from 2004 up to 2015 even reinstalling every single one of them worked without any errors. unreal engine stopped working after making the jump from 4.8 to 4.13 installing the old one didnt help

i tryed all the suggestion of people about KB2999226 and so called sp1 and antivirus and trusted installer and scandisc and reinstall of engine or 5 Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 and nothing helped the error remained

befor going the last mile and buy new hardware to get a clean windows installation which seamed rediculus i tryed something funny. i thought as long as im not able to use this machine anyway i might as well get a sledge hammer and try that one… maybe it was me watching rambo 4 while solving this problem… anyway

  1. i deinstalled EVERY .net framework EVERY sql or c++ related software deinstalled every programing aplication execpt plain editor like ultraedit and i left the unreal engine untouched.

  2. i even refused to play the stupid restart me game of windows ignored all the suggested install this and install that tip

  3. went to the engine folder of the latest version binary files started the UE4Editor.exe and finaly it worked

so my sollution to this problem was … deinstall all updates all microsoft c++ visual studio an sql related stuff and ignore restart demands from a ■■■■■■■■ operating system which i even today dont have a clue over why people stepped away from working on amiga but thats another matter

this tip might be not the best tip for everyone you might as well just try the proper ideas befor you start to potential destroy everything else working on your machine with this method so keep calm and maybe watch merry poppins next time something does not work.
