apex cloth in 4.14 it works bad after project conversion, so I tried to re-export FBX + apx, ok in 4.13 but not in 4.14…
Hey, I got the exact same problem. Could someone share a fix/workaround for the problem if you figure one out?
Same problem here, any word on this?
Haven’t tried in a while myself, but didn’t see anything related to this in patch notes. I assume it’s till not fixed.
It’s look like there is a code bug. You should delete all and reimport new, and being sure that de ID Material for de apex is correct.
Not sure how that would help, but I have tried doing a fresh import into a new project and it was still bugged.
I’m trying with the same cloth which worked a few versions back. I’ve also tried updating apex 3ds max plugin to 3.3.4 since i recall the engine supporting it now.
I solved rebuilding cloth object and setting to 1 its ID material(it was 5)
It was enough edit some parameters to return in the same situation and I can not turn back, Apex clothing integration highly unstable, unusable.
I’m going back to 4.13 …
Any updates on this? I created a new Apex clothed character in 4.14 and the simulation works fine in Max, but gets all corrupt like the screenshot Renderboy posted. I didn’t try this out in 4.13, so I can’t say this is something that was working before, but I’ve tried several things with no result until I bumped into this thread and don’t really feel like attempting other fixes if Apex is bugged in 4.14…
Nope, no news. Seems like a few people are getting this problem, but i’m not sure if UE devs can/will do anything to fix it if theres this little exposure on the matter…
I am also getting this in a couple of different projects.
Yeah it’s getting a bit frustrating now… All the cape, robes etc armors in our project have been put on hold due to this bug.
It seems impossible that they do not want to fix such an important issue, and it seems even more strange that there are so few people to ask, there’s probably a way to do it without apex, and we do not know, unless they want discard it as hairwork, you remember? it worked perfectly but then was abandoned and now the only way to do hair simulation is to buy a subscription to an external plugin)…
I solved the with 3DStudioMax plug-in 3-4-0 (4.0), however, there is a bug that occurs on all my 3 pc and with both my 3dsmax versions(2014 and 2017), by adding the modifier PhysX Clothing on my skinned object 3dsmax freezes and crashes.
If someone 3dsmax user has the same problem I report this solution:
after applying the Skin modifier not add bones and proceed directly adding PhysX Clothing, only after returns to the Skin in the stack and add your bones.
I’ve re-exported all my skeletals and Apex working well(including collisions), the only difference between my old project in 4.13 is a strange shading when simulating(maybe a wrong polygon smooth setting).
4.14 has updated to a newer version of Apex cloth. You will need to re-export your apex cloth in the latest Apex version and reimport it to Unreal.
How many influences do you have? If you have more than four, you may have to reduced the influences in the model itself AND in your *.apx file.
Since 4.11, there have been changes to how APEX works. The last stability I’ve personally found was from 2.9 in UE4 4.11, but it’s influence related also.
In my case (3dsmaxUser), the latest version of Apex has solved the issue.
Check this out. UE4 now implements apex clothing in the editor