My apex Cloth items are flowing in the wrong direction since the upgrade to 4.14. It’s almost as if the gravity is somehow reversed for them. See the attached picture - the front flap should be draping towards to floor.
Just want to say I am seeing the same behavior. In my case it seems to go sideways. Or just be totally noisy and busted.
Same here. I am using Blender>ClothingTool>UE4. I was excited at the prospect of using UE4 meshes mapped to APEX physics. Looks like 4.14 is a no go for me, at least for now.
I’ve also experienced something like this. After reimporting the Cloth Asset everything was messed up. Authoring Cloth and Mesh in 3ds Max 2017 with PhysX 3.4 Plugin.
I think the new mesh-to-mesh skinning feature in 4.14 is the problem here as well, for me all my cloth objects are completely messed up because its trying to skin the skeletal mesh instead of adding a new 1 from the imported file, which is absolutely against my current workflow, isn’t there any way to disable it and revert back to the old system?
I’ve been seeing the same problem. It seems that the Apex cloth pivot point is coming in with opposite orientation to the mesh/bone.
I’ve been able to get around the 4.14 problem by re-importing only the bone/mesh FBX after rotating the bone 180 degrees but do not reimport the cloth data APX.
Not quite sure I follow, does that not mess up your character rig to rotate the bones? I think I must be missing something.
We are actually adding our cloth components as attached socketed actors with their own bones. This way we can change cloth items on and off characters as well as modify and update cloth components individually.
I can see this would not be ideal for a lot of situations. You could try it the other way around where you export the cloth upside down and the bones normally?
4.14 includes a new update to PhysX so we are now working with version 3.4. Due to a few issues with back-compat for old assets new clothing exports from DCC tools or Clothing Tool will need to be made with the 3.4 versions of Clothing Tool or the DCC plugins.
Essentially what’s causing the clothing to be imported incorrectly is the bind poses of the bones and bone actors being exported transposed into the .apx file so when they are imported into Unreal they aren’t placed correctly as exhibited in the image above.
both as a result of working with clothing boneless turns? Wait for the update?
Same here. I’m creating cloth in Maya 2016.
I updated the apex plugin to 3.4.0 and no longer incorrectly rotates nor jitters imported cloth in 4.14.
I tried getting the latest 3.4 plugin for maya, and it STILL has the issue. Is there a different file besides the Maya DCC plugin released 2016/11/22 that I should be getting?
I should mention that it works perfectly fine when I preview it in Maya.
No, that should be all you need. I’m assuming that you reskinned the cloth to the skeleton?
Yeah, I’ve retried it a number of times, tried freezing transforms, deleting history, removing all hierarchy, etc.
My most recent experiment was odd, because it shows that SOME of the verts behave properly. If I paint the area around the left arm to move, it behaves normally, the right arm is slightly messed up, but the robe the character is wearing seems to do really strange stuff around the pelvis. This is without any rigid bodies added or anything.
Strange stuff… like being improperly rotated in the screenshot? Or is it just moving oddly like it’s bound to the wrong bone?
It appears to be improperly rotated, but that is what is so strange, that only some of the verts would be weirdly broken like that.
I’ve tried some export variants. And this one is now working for me.
DCC version 3-3-4. From Maya.
- Select Cloth mesh only.
- Export Selection
- Check export PhysX scene to get fbx.
- Import fbx generated by PhysX exporter to UE4
- Apply APEX cloth
I’ve also re-checked some times scaling factor. My scene is in cm and export cloth in cm.
Hi I’m getting the same issues everyone has mentioned. Feels like gravity is reversed / cloth flows in the wrong direction.
When the same data is imported in to 4.13, it works fine. But in 4.14 it’s all messed up.
I’m using-
UE 4.14.1
Maya 2017
PhysXForMaya 3.4.11121
Does anyone know if the UE Hotfix 4.14.3 corrects these issues?
Go to UE4 roadmap and vote for “New Clothing Pipeline” =)
“Add a tool to the editor to avoid the need to use Max/Maya/PhysXLab to set up clothing.”