Apex cloth collisions can they be edited at run time?

Is there any way that the collision volumes used with Apex Cloth be turned off or altered at run time ?

Looking at the Nivida API this seams to be allowed:

  NxClothingPlane*        createCollisionPlane(const PxPlane& plane)
  NxClothingConvex*       createCollisionConvex(NxClothingPlane** planes, PxU32 numPlanes)
  NxClothingSphere*       createCollisionSphere(const PxVec3& position, PxF32 radius)
  NxClothingCapsule*      createCollisionCapsule(NxClothingSphere& sphere1, NxClothingSphere& sphere2)    
  NxClothingTriangleMesh* createCollisionTriangleMesh()


Are there plans for this to be integrated into Unreal at some time ?

Exposing this functionality via blueprints would be awesome !