I seem to be unable to get Apex cloth assets to work correctly. I’m using Blender 2.76 for my mesh; I’m setting up the vertex groups correctly and assigning the cloth mesh to its own material. When I load the exported .fbx into the Apex Clothing Tool, I can set it up correctly and it seems to behave fine. When I import the mesh into UE4, however, and add the Apex Clothing file to it, I get several different issues, seemingly based on which version of the Apex SDK I’m using. In 1.3.0 I get this issue:
I’m aware that the texture error is because of the tangents, but for some reason the tool doesn’t give me the option to recompute them, which I assume is due to how I’m exporting from Blender. However, the issue I’m trying to fix is that the cloth mesh, which should be anchored to the top of the blue mesh, is off to one side of it, and doesn’t behave like cloth. Using version 1.3.1 or 1.3.2 of the Apex SDK, I get this:
As you can see, this one is being anchored correctly, but for some reason the cloth mesh is now massive. I’ve seen an issue with a different type of mesh where the cloth was way off to one side, and stretched over a really large vertical space. The only similar issue I’ve been able to find on the AnswerHub is this one, but it never got resolved: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/282635/apex-cloth-glitch.html
I’m hoping there’s just something I’m doing wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated!