If I take a skinned mesh and apply two materials to it. One material is used for physics the other is not. Then I paint physics onto the physics material and export it. In game it looks like this:
If I separate the section of the model that is going to have the physics material on it, then paint the APEX on it, everything works fine. So I know it’s not a scaling or APEX export issue. This is a bug. I literally have to separate the top part with no physics on it from the bottom part that has physics on it and then export it like that to make the physics work in game.
APEX was better in UE4.10. Now it’s just ridiculous to work with and lacks so much potential for character customization. My recommendation, revert it back to how it was in UE4.10. Everyone liked it better then. Now you can’t skin to more then 4 bones, you can’t assign it to a material on a single mesh without breaking apart the mesh, you can’t use morph targets on it. I mean, how is it better since you optimized it? It worked before just fine and dandy plus we were all able to do so much more with it. This is simple not good.
When you say you need to separate your mesh do you mean you have to split verts and edges so that the bottom part of the mesh is a separate piece of geometry from the top?
If so I’ll put together a test case and log another bug report if needed. If not please clarify what you mean.
The first screenshot is showing what happens if I assign a second material to the bottom faces of a single mesh. Then I give that second material APEX. It distorts the mesh. The second screenshots shows me having separated the object into two parts, the bottom half and top half of the skirt. Doing that makes it work fine with APEX.
If you look at the second image I posted, that’s the object in Maya’s Outliner. If I assign two materials to a single mesh and import it into Maya then assign physics to one of the elements, it won’t work. It distorts the object as you see in the first screenshot.
Even if I separate the vertices on a single mesh, give one of the elements APEX, that also doesn’t work. It distorts the mesh. The only way it works is if you literally export it from Maya as two separate objects. They can be exported from Maya and imported as a single object and it will work but they can’t be combined and then exported from Maya.
Ergo, if you take a single object, assign a separate material to some of the faces and give that element physics, it distorts the object in UE4 when APEX is applied.
Hi, would you mind providing the assets you used to test this issue. For me to submit the bug report I’d like to have a version that is broken and the split version that works.
That way I can give the engineers a specific example of how the system is broken.
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will follow up.