APawn 和 CharacterMovementComponent 可以适配吗

Starter with unreal. I build a pawn actor,and use createdefaultsubcomponent give it a UCharacterMovementComponent, but when I use AddMovementInput API ,it doesn’t cause any effect in game, so I wander if is because UCharacterMovementComponent can only work with ACharacter actor ?

刚接触unreal的C++不太久,在 pawn 组件中手动 create 了 UCharacterMovementComponent ,但 AddMovementInput 没有效果,想问下是因为只有 ACharacter 才能被 ACharacter Movement Component 组件执行移动


哦哦,好的,我昨天还试了试蓝图,似乎蓝图根本不能手动加 characterMovement 我就把我的主角改成 character了