AOE Attack troubleshooting

Hello there!

I’m in the process of working on a school project that required two special abilities or attacks.

I was hoping someone on here could help me understand this a little bit better: I am totally setting this up wrong, or just doing it the wrong way in general.

So let me describe what Im trying to do- When the player gets the special attack, and presses the Binded key, I want to toggle the visibility of a cylinder that i have added in the character BP that will cause instant death to the enemies inside the range. So far this is the way I have managed to come up with so like I said im not sure if this is accurate to how I should do it.

So, where am I at now? Well a few things works and a few things dont work. To start, the cylinder is already active when I start the game, neglecting if the player has picked up the special attack. I can also not get it to go away after it is used. It is also creating a massive range for the enemy character to hit. It also seems to collide with the enemy mesh and ‘pushes’ them back if i try to run at it.

What is working? It Kills the enemies in the range, thats pretty much it lol.

So, here is the character BP. I hope it makes sense
(also, found this nifty website that makes it easier to share BP’s, Im sure others have heard of it, but it is new to me!- Pretty cool)

[AOE attack Character BP posted by anonymous | blueprintUE | PasteBin For Unreal Engine](https://Character Blue Print)
(I guess it didnt work that well, as it disconnected some of the nodes, if you see anything that is not connected, just assume it if connected to the node directly after it, hope this doesnt cause confusion)

If there is a different way I should go about this, let me know and I will give that a try.

Instead of having a ginormous cylinder always attached to player, maybe just do a sphere trace when the ability is used. That would fix the issue with enemies hitting the cylinder. If the cylinder is also acting as a “telegraph” visual. you could use a particle system in its place and activate that when used.