I’m preparing for launch of my dedicated server support. One thing that I find annoying when debugging on remote cloud servers is that if you don’t have access to stdout, you have to rely on the Launch.log file.
This file looks like it only updates in chunks of x number of lines. So you often need data that won’t write to the file until a certain amount of data has backed-up.
Anyone know of any functions or command to force the log file to update to the most recent logs?
Oh, think I found it with this launch param:
**FORCELOGFLUSH**: Force a log flush after each line.
make your self a bat file and put this in it.
@eCHo off
echo Purge all UDK logs?
cd “C:\UDK\UDK-2014-02\UDKGame\Logs”
del *.dmp
del *.log
del *.txt
del *.tx
echo Complete! Restart UDK Editor or UDK Game to rebuild logs.
When you want to clean your logs run it
make your self a bat file and put this in it.
If you want to clean out logs and scripts files run this.
@eCHo off
echo Purge all UDK scripts and logs?
echo pause
cd “C:\UDK\UDK-2014-02\UDKGame\Script”
del *.u
del Manifest.txt
cd “C:\UDK\UDK-2014-02\UDKGame\Logs”
del *.dmp
del *.log
del *.txt
del *.tx
echo Complete! Restart UDK Editor or UDK Game to rebuild scripts.
echo pause
When you want to clean your logs and scripts run it.
Easy to use one click they are cleaned out.
Hope this helps
Sorry, i thought you were asking about cleaning out the logs Anyways if you need any of that stuff use it.
On your dedicated shortcut command target line at the end add in LOG=DEDLog.txt or whatever you want to call it and that will be your servers log. Did not know if you knew that or not.