Anyway to achieve buoyancy for niagara-based ocean?

I made the ocean based on deathreycg’s community ocean tutorial. Now how do I get buoyancy on this? I saw the ghislain girardot tutorial on the boat buoyancy thing since it was what I wanted but I don’t know how to implement that into deathreycg’s ocean…
I have tried dragging the ocean material onto a waterbody ocean(water plugin) but it seems like its buoyant based on the un-displaced plane… Can anyone help me on this?

Its the same as always.

Physics and Graphics are decoupled.

You need to create a function that returns the wave height z at game time for x/y coords.

You make that function blueprint callable, and you then query the current (do next frame ofc since by the time the changes take place you always lag a frame) wave height and use as needed.

From there to implementing actual buoyancy, you probably ought to read a book on floating physics.

Simplify it to the max that you can when you implement it, less is probably way more when it comes to generating gameplay in this particular case.

To the point there’s nothing wrong with hust reading the height, getting the normal of the incline and using that directly.

Remeber you cannot trace, you have to solve for the normal mathematically.