I followed a tutorial on creating an elevator using blueprint scripting and my elevator switch to move up and down is only mean’t to be activated when I’m within the trigger box, the problem is that wherever I use the command as soon as I enter the level (Keyboard Input = Z, Controller Input = Left Face Button) the elevator switch activates. How can I fix this to only activate when I’m in the trigger box? Keep in mind this only occurs as soon as I enter the level. What I mean by that is that if I activate the elevator to go up while I’m on it then try to activate it to go down from wherever it starts to work properly and I have to enter the trigger box. The only thing I could think of is that it has something to do with my enable and disable input functions but I don’t know where to begin to fix it. If a video is needed to better understand my situation I can create one!
Just use a flag, create a boolean variable, set it on true once the OnActorBeginOverlap is called. And use a branch to ask for the flag value, if true, you are in the trigger box, if false, do nothing.
Of course set the flag in OnActorEndOverlap to false.
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Hey, sorry it took me some time to reply. Anyways, by flag do you mean to create an actual flag (like an object/model).