Hey, i want to make a FP Flashlight with a Deadzone, like in the Wii-U game “ju-On”, i never played this game so i dont know if the flashlight can be moved like that while a button is pressed or if this is the normal case.
For the case someone never saw a footage of this game, i tell you what i would need:
while the right RMB is down, only the flashlight would move in like 45° in each direction, depeding on mouse input of course. If RMB is released, set it to pawn rotation again.
I dont know how the set this up in a blueprint.
I know i ask for much here, but is anyone willed to guide me through this :S?
I have nothing to show you, so you could see that im really trying, but i dont even know how to start. I also know its a cheap excuse, i know i have to learn that kind of stuff if i want my things going to work. But i have some kinde of a learning weakness if it comes to complex stuff like those kind of blueprints.
It will take me alot of time to know how nodes are working or stuff are manipulated.