I’m a programmer looking to work with others. I recently made a UEFN project called Storm Gauntlet and just released it yesterday. Now I’m looking to start a new UEFN project. Anyone interested in trying out a test run on a small project idea you or I may have.
Are you still intersted in joining a team?
I have a great team of 7 that we are currently working on bringing a cool game to life.
If you do reach out please,
Discord: almogrotem
Email: almogr001@gmail.com
mmm well i have a build you may be interested in. Something different? I know you are probably busy with other projects but if you have time maybe to look at my build and see what you think then that would be great. I would love to show you and hear your feedback if nothing else.
I´m working on a small demo for the pitch desk for international leading companies. It is a full-scale tanker ship simulator with all processes inside. The idea is to develop it on the Lyra Starter Game. Are you considering such team ?
How do I reach you? I have experience with materials, landscape, realism, lighting hacks, tricks, etc. Let me know if you would like to collaborate! -Benji Hartman
Email me at bhartman102890@gmail.com
6457-6129-4238 something i am building. will be a bunch of races and a special thing i need help with. Its a big place can do lots and will but need help