I need a guide that explains how to package the game to pass google store requirements, size, file formats, this stuff.
Looking around I see videos of people showing how to package from UE5 to android but I already know that.
I can build the game have it run on my phone. Works fine locally. Thing is that file size appears to be out of specs for google store.
anyone actually manage to have a UE5 game on play store? If not possible at least I know and move on 
The instructions in youtube vids to build for quest are all identical
except to build for the new google android spec you just need to change the ndk and sdk, but you still use android studio 4 and jre/jdk8
I believe.
No, I already know how to successfully build a game for Android. I need a guide specifically for Google App Store. How to prepare the package options so after you have built the game it will pass the requirements on the App Store.
When testing an app on your local devices, it doesn’t matter how big that file is, it will work, it doesn’t care about app store requirements. Because you have put the device in dev mode and you just install an app yourself locally.
But the app store have some requirements especially about file size. That is what I need to know
I thought you were trying to match their neew build standard which says they won’t put it on the app store unless its built with an sdk equal to or over 31.
I think all their other reqs are still the same.
do you have a link to where this is stated, is this type of info I’m looking for. 
building for android and building for the google app store are two different things, I’m interested of the info related to the google app store specifically
I’m sorry but I don’t
I am interested for future reference in phone game dev, but I am focused on quest and pcvr for a year and they don’t do google.
I would bet there is a You Tube or someone you could patreon for that info