UE 4.23
I have seen some posts on this but all of them are old and/or do not have real answers, at least the ones that I have found.
I was given an UE4 project that had a level, called MM level, that seems to be a copy of another level, called forest. No matter what I do I cannot duplicate MM level. I tried duplicating, save current as, copying all the assets and pasting in blank project. And to no prevail. I was told that level cannot be open while doing any of these and so I tried opening a totally different level and that didnt work. I tried creating a new blank level and tried duplicating, save as and even the copy/paste techniques again and still to no prevail.
I even tried to change the class settings of the level to generate the abstract class and still did not work. However I can duplicate the original level, Forest. But the levels, MM and Forest, at this point are vastly different and need to make a copy of the MM level.
I should mention that the editor crashes upon doing any of these. The only times I get any window prior to crashing is when I try to ‘save current as’ only with the forest level. The window that I get says:
The asset ‘/Game/TheForest/Maps/Demonstration_02/deleteme’ (deleteme.umap) failed to save.
Cancel: Stop saving all assets and return to the editor.
Retry: Attempt to save the asset again.
Continue: Skip saving this asset only.
I hit continue and get:
The following assets failed to save correctly:
/Game/TheForest/Maps/Demonstration_02/[my duplicated level]
I hit ok and get:
Can’t save [mylevel.umap]: Graph is linked to object(s) in external map.
External Object(s):
Try to find the chain of references to that object (may take some time)?
I click yes the level is copied but I am met with
Does anyone have any ideas as to what I could be doing wrong? I presume that the LandscapeMaterialInstanceConstants are the issue here but I don’t know what to do to fix this.
Any help would be great.