Anyone know where I can find a simple raycast with trace example in C++ ?

Hello All,

I searched a lot of places but what I find seems to be pretty outdated and lacking explanation.
Unreal has great blueprint documentation but the C++ is surly lacking…

Went through some of the C++ tutorials but I still have not found one of the most important things I need to program anything more advanced…
Raycasting / Linecasting with channels / layers and casting the returned object to another object of type… so I can work with it…
Brings me to another issue, Not sure how we can do msg based classes in unreal 4 like the ability to talk to multiple classes without them knowing much about each other…(prob another thread)

I would like a C++ example of something like this… but I cant seem to find much… and this is more then what I need to just start.

Even a basic start would be nice…
Just draw a line with a basic color across the screen using a vector forward from the player controller.
I think that would help get started with more advanced ray casting / line tracing methods.

I want to do them all in C++, because this would be 10x faster then blueprints and ray casting can get expensive.


Here’s something I personally use in my game. Read the comments I added for more info


static bool Trace(UWorld* world, AActor* actorToIgnore, const FVector& start, const FVector& dir, float length, FHitResult& hit, ECollisionChannel CollisionChannel = ECC_Pawn, bool ReturnPhysMat = false);
static bool Trace(UWorld* world, AActor* actorToIgnore, const FVector& start, const FVector& end, FHitResult& hit, ECollisionChannel CollisionChannel = ECC_Pawn, bool ReturnPhysMat = false);


//Trace using start point, direction, and length
bool UT::Trace(UWorld* world, AActor* actorToIgnore, const FVector& start, const FVector& dir, float length, FHitResult& hit, ECollisionChannel collisionChannel, bool returnPhysMat){
	return Trace(world, actorToIgnore, start, start + dir*length, hit, collisionChannel, returnPhysMat);
//Trace using start point, and end point
bool UT::Trace(UWorld* world, AActor* actorToIgnore, const FVector& start, const FVector& end, FHitResult& hit, ECollisionChannel collisionChannel, bool returnPhysMat){
	if (!world)
		return false;

	//Trace params, set the 'false' to 'true' if you want it to trace against the actual meshes instead of their collision boxes.
	FCollisionQueryParams TraceParams(FName(TEXT("VictoreCore Trace")), false, actorToIgnore);
	TraceParams.bReturnPhysicalMaterial = returnPhysMat;

	//Ignore Actors, usually the actor that is calling the trace

	//Re-initialize hit info, so you can call the function repeatedly and hit will always be fresh
	hit = FHitResult(ForceInit);

	bool hitSomething = world->LineTraceSingle(
		hit,		//result
		start,	//start
		end, //end
		collisionChannel, //collision channel

	// Draw a square at the impact point.
	if (hitSomething) DrawDebugPoint(world, hit.ImpactPoint, 10, FColor(255, 255, 0), false, -1);
	// Draw the trace line. Red if something was hit, green if nothing was hit.
	DrawDebugLine(world, start, end, (hitSomething ? FColor(255, 0, 0) : FColor(0, 255, 0)), false, -1, 0, 1.5);

	return hitSomething;

Calling the code

FHitResult hit;
UT::Trace(GetWorld(), this, GetActorLocation(), -FVector::UpVector, 10, hit);
//if you set ReturnPhysMat to true, the hit will also contain the materials physmat

I made em static in a class called UT, so they can be called from anywhere after including the “UT.h”, I’d recommend putting em in a static class too!

Thanks man, I had some real life things but I plan to get back into this soon.


Is the function you probably want. There are many different versions of it, some sweep shapes instead of lines (rays), some test for object channels instead of trace channels etc.

EDIT: Also Jezuz, bump much?