So I know how to make open flat worlds, I know how to build a earth planet and view from space but I can not find any information or docs on building a inhabitable planet where I can build different country’s please if anyone could point me in the right direction would be appreciated
‘Gaming dad with a dream’… Don’t we all…
The Marketplace is your friend here as the engine has nothing built-in. If your goal is high realism, then look at the Worldscape plugin. If you can live with something a bit less cutting edge or realistic (even cartoonish), then try the Voxel plugin. Neither are super cheap iirc. But there’s nothing ready made inside the engine to help. No tutorials / blogs come to mind either. Lots of devs have been working on this problem for 10 years or more and still haven’t solved it. Being a new poster, you probably don’t want to hear this, but really recommend trying to create flat worlds first, that are 25km2 / 50km2 / 100km2, so you learn how to create and populate medium sized worlds with interesting things.
In unreal you essentially cannot.
The landacape is flat, worlds are not flat.
As a result anything you put in place is never going to work without going way, way far from the norm.
To have even a slight chance of success you need to learn about core components.
Octree loading, Chunking, Mesh Streaming, and nother billion things.
Then you need to pick a spherical appeoximation of earth formula you think works for you.
Earth not being a sphere will already mean all of your distances are off. This is further impacted by geoposirioning.
GPS systems somewhat use Esri mappings. You could look into implementing that to offset your flat heightmaps based on current position as you generate the adjacent world.
You will be fighting the engine all of the way through since it makes assumptions like the fact that your axis of gravity is always Z.
The scope of it alone is incomprehensible, particuatly at a 1:1 scale - which is why games that try it fail miserably and scale back to very small (in comparison) map sizes (KCD for one since it was supposed to be real world location/heightmap data).
Other engines are slightly better suited, some providing snap in components to address gravity, scale, curvature, etc.
But again, even where you think the scale is 1:1 like Google Earth - nothing is in fact to scale…
Due to the fact everything is just an approximation and not local Lidar data.
To compund to the problem.
Best lidar you can get in some regions is 50m - with 1 pixel stretching 50m^2 you know absolutely nothing about local topology…
To learn (in any engine), start with smaller scales, fake data, maybe Voxels…
Other than that, fakery.
You take over flight/landing for the player and place them in manicured pre-built locations - which is what all games except sruff like No Man’s Sky end up doing…
^This^… When you get to gameplay programming too you soon realize, there’s no built-in AI / Navmesh pathing for ‘Z’ either. However, there are some plugins around that may help.
I appreciate it mate I’ve got some what of flat worlds building below my belt that’s why I was trying go the next step to what I want but appreciate it mate
Appreciate it mate looks like back to the planning board for few changes haha
Unless you are working for a global military force, a global extractive industries company, a global logistics company, or some other well funded entity that has a legitimate need for a full Earth solution, my suggestion is: Don’t.
The Earth is actually unimaginably vast. It’s gigantic. You could travel at 100 miles an hour with a 1 mile viewing area, for a 100 year lifetime, and only see 1% of its surface.
Gameplay not only does not need this vastness; this vastness is explicitly bad for gameplay.
Use Cesium plug-in with Google tileset. You have the whole world in3D as an asset.
Cesium is interesting. But it still requires a whole lot of added manual labor or work out of the box. So is it ready for games or mainstream applications where visual quality is such a high priority??? IDK… Maybe flight simulators where you’re fighting forest fires way off into the distance from the ground. But imho Cesium kinda gets over-hyped a lot (much like AI atm).
Not just your opinion:
It’s basically trash.
Working trash, better than nothing trash, but trash none-the-less…
And its also got some rediculous terms of use if they have not changed them since I last read them…
There are some indy dev performance focused infinite map runtime generation engines out there that literally blow anything epic/unity/cry ever made out the water.
To that effect: the reason cesium is trash is probably due to the engines it has to support, rather than it just being trash…
Still, the world’s lidar data is so low definition that even with the best system you can come up with you will always have issues.
Essentially, you are better off petitioning Musk to use space X to shoot dedicated lidar satellites in orbit to scan earth…
Hes already attempted to speed up our world’s FPS by cutting the tris requirements of his tesla trucks so maybe he can foot the bill for a 1:1 open sourced Global DTM too
Since this part directly relates to the thread, interested to know more.
Are you talking about Unigine or can you list the others or send a pm?