Anyone Know How To Tow/Drag Objects using a Cable Actor?

I’m experimenting with cable actors for the 1st time.

I’m trying to simply drag an object with my character, using a cable actor.

When I attach a cable actor to an object and try to drag it, the cable length seems to be infinite (even though I set a defined cable length)

Can anyone steer me in the right direction with a basic breakdown on how to use cable actors? …possible simple code or something to get going.

My Goal is simply to drag or tow objects with my character, using cable actors …much appreciated!

hi. I’m running into the same difficulties. How can you solve the problem? appreciated for it!

I also was hoping to do the same, but it seems that for now cable actors are mostly for decoration.

I could be mistaken, but I believe cables are just for show. You might look into physics constraints, that could be a good starting point to achieve what you’re trying to do.

As of yet (UE 4.19), the cable component does not apply physical forces on other objects. Neither on the objects that it’s connected to, nor on the objects it collides with.

You have two options for making what you want:

  1. Make chain of connected bones that are constrained using physics constraints. You will have to create the bones skinned to a mesh in a modeling software, like Blender. This method would act exactly like a rope, but it is difficult to configure the physics constraints in order for it to be stable when connected to objects.
    Here’s a tutorial for this method: physics chain/rope in Unreal 4 - YouTube

  2. Use a physics constraint together with a cable component connected to the two objects. The physics constraint will act with forces on the two objects and the cable will act as a visual representation. This is a lot more stable than the first option, but the cable will not be interacting with objects so it cannot wrap around them.
    Here’s a tutorial for this method: UE4 Make Rope Swing - Cable Component and Physics in Unreal Engine 4 Chain Tutorial How To - YouTube


you can use [attach component to component] binding your actor