hi, anyone here is interested in a R.A.I.N. plugin for the unreal engine 4?
Would be nice to know what it is first
When you mean a weather plugin, then yes!
I believe he’s referring to this: ://rivaltheory/rain/features/
It’s a kinda popular “add on”/“plugin”/“framework” for Unity3D that helps you build FPS games…
But I think its quality is a bit lower than some of the out-of-box stuff that comes with UE4, at least I remember when I tried it like 6+ months ago…
Have no idea if something changed…
RAIN is an AI plugin. UE4 has Behavior Trees, but, I don’t see a problem with an alternative. The more third party plugins for UE4 the better.
Oh, then I could be wrong, but I swear back in the day there was option from AI to even one-click add weapons in-game and customize their sounds/abilities… But as time went on, they might decided to go AI only…
sorry for the late response, TechLord is right, RAIN is an AI plugin, i have saw it in the unity forums, it’s really nice and powerfull, i asked on the rain facebook fan page if is there is a ue4 plugin in the roadmap and they told me this
“Yes, we are considering porting RAIN over to Unreal in the future. If you come across a group of individuals that are asking for it (forums, blogs, etc.), let us know. We can address them directly.”
RAIN looks interesting. I’m not so sure their behavior tree is easy to decipher, but the features seem to be quite useful. Maybe I’ll try the free Unity version and see what it’s all about.
It looks like it may make pathing a lot simpler. +1
I’ve used RAIN a bit and would like to see it come to UE4. Their behavior tree user interface is kind of hard, but is getting redesigned. I’ve used a few of Unity other AI and RAIN is almost the complete package. Which I’ve found to be good for rapid prototyping. The only things that hold it back are the lack of tutorials and documents
Anyone wanting to try it out on Unity needs to go to their website and not from the asset store at that is out of date.
I am not sure - We have the current behavior tree tools that come with unreal.
What would RAIN offer over the current tools?
Edit: I would have to say yes - I would Like to see it just for the perception system they have
I also don’t really see what it would offer over the current tools. Although I haven’t used R.A.I.N lately, having tried it a couple of years ago, but compared to how it was then, the tools in UE4 are certainly better.
As for a perception system. The one from Fortnite was added to Main, last month. So hopefully that will be mentioned as part of 4.5 and have better documentation.
Well, you might have used FPS Control.
Anyway, I would like to see both R.A.I.N and FPS Control as plugins for UE4. FPS Control’s features may help greatly, even become part of UE4.
We’re definitely interested in building a version of RAIN for UE4. We’re still gauging developer demand and looking for the right opportunity.
If you haven’t looked at RAIN since the Indie version in FPS Control, you should take another look. RAIN 2 has massive improvements and upgrades. Grab it from ://rivaltheory/rain/download