Anyone have anything positive to say about Fab

Sooo, no favourites, very slow, no library categories, lots of re-clicking on things, no quick ability to go to Quixel for instance. There appears to be no quality control with user ratings etc.

A very poor and slow library manager.


it’s so bad that a lot of people don’t even log for the freebies anymore. That’s how bad it is.

I like the Order ID verification functionality, now we sellers can instantly check Order IDs instead of emailing support and waiting response like it was in the old marketplace.

I also prefer the new thumbnail format, I find things faster than before visually when scrolling pages.

However, the steps back in the review/comments section, allowance of stolen assets, among other serious problems easily shadowed the positives of FAB.


No favourites? Do you mean wishlist? Because they did add that in an update back in February. Its the bookmark looking icon and the list caps at 150. I do like how they added it back but the old market did have 200 cap. Would’ve preferred to have kept that cap and our old wishlist to be migrated into it rather than having to request a pdf of the old wishlist and go through it manually


I like fab, my sales are better than the marketplace was, the UX is nice(on the website), and they are actively listening and implementing community requests like wishlists, better discovery, better search, soon comment/community threads, etc.

That being said it did launch in a rough state so I can see why some might be upset since in some ways it lacked features the marketplace already had. My most anticipated upcoming features are the fab desktop, video embeds, and the comment threads for products. I don’t really care that much about written reviews, I’m experienced enough to know when a product is poorly designed or hard to implement based on its documentation(or lack there of) but I can also see why devs who don’t read documentation much may not be able to tell and want to rely on word of mouth.