Anyone from Marketplace? Asset checkers Put my Asset on Hold agayn

My assets are Legit and actively selling on marketplace sans 2021. But every time When I try to update it, I got the Notification from marketplace asset checkers
And the second notification
The problem is the MOVIE folder,
They think that the movie folder should not be there.
But Documentation says it should be there! Otherwise it will not work.

our struggle has been going on for 2 years, can someone explain to them that they are wrong?

How can I make them understand?

Is there any way to reach them?

Today my asset still - status change needed.

Any ideas Please?


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I see in this example, the put the movies folder in the content folder. But actually, it doesn’t work unless the movies folder is outside the content folder. ( When making a game, anyway ).

So, one folder up, with the config and content folder.

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Thanks for replay, a picture below is my folder structure

my asset works correctly if Movie folder is here, if I change Folder place
it stop working, This is a limitation of Unreal engine, The developers decide so, Not me.
So I can’t figure out what’s going on, the documentation says one thing and the asset checkers tell me another, who to trust?
Should I upload the wrong asset with the wrong folder location and cause a problem for my customers?
Or stop updating it at all?
Why is this problem repeating over and over again?
What should I do?

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All I know is, if you want the UE logo movie to play when you start your game, it has to be outside :slight_smile:

The asset looks like it doesn’t involve moves anyway, does it?

I’m assuming a lot of these checks are automated, maybe you could get away with putting the folder both inside and outside?

Hmmm, before that, my assets were checked by a person, I received feedback from him, and the dialogue took place.
I explained many times, that this folder should be here, and they understand and approved, and the asset sold without problems, But after every update the problem is
returns and I have to explain it again and again, the same thing, for 2 years, it’s a vicious circle. in the case of my other assets in exactly the same way, because I put my video animation at start. I think you are right, I will delete my video at start, and this will end my torment. :face_with_peeking_eye: because I’m tired.

maybe they should rethink the asset validation criteria and make changes, because they contradict themselves and the official documentation.

Anyway, thanks for your reply and your time.

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Yes, I think there are a lot of ‘auto monkeys’ who just read a list and act on it… :-/

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