Anyone else had to process ~208,000 shaders?!

Doing a TC cook with 201.5… 2 hours later… down to 77,228 shaders left “LogMaterial:Warning: Shaders remaining: 77028”

Boy I hope this isn’t a bug… and just a 1-off thing.

Only thing I can think that might have done this is… I imported a new texture to replace an old one.

This is happening with all TC mods from my knowledge. Once you compile them once, you should be good. However, the new dev kit is cooking the entire map even when you have no map changes and don’t force a map cook. Going on 8 hours building linux w/o recompiling shaders and no map edits. Just a PrimalGameData_BP change.

Edit: Should include, no dino edits (I know some dino edits require re-cooking the map… i-7 5820k, 16GB RAM)

yep happens to everyone
fun fact is i tried it 3 times now
and the dev kit just silently exited 2 times
while complety freezin my machine the third time ¯_(ツ)_/¯
at least it resumes where it stopped (concerning the shaders)

I also had a frozen machine… I’ve been trying to do a TC cook for the last 8 hours lol. I’m at 124,000 of 208,000 shaders again… it restarts every time.
I’m also seeing NEAR_WIP, UNDERWATER, RIVERANDLAKEPHYSICS and THEISLAND maps being cooked in for no reason.
234Mb mod… from just changing values in small blueprints.
Plus the 100Gb+ of downloads (many of them failed downloads)

This devkit is a bit of an epic fail so far… but getting better.

Whilst I love the potential of modding in this game… I swear this is going to be the last early alpha game I ever mod… so brutal :slight_smile:

200k shaders? Wtf… Nobody told these people how to use material instances. Unreal 101, holly sht.

My devkit must be some sort of fantastical wizard of weirdness then, as my latest compile started off at over 400,000 shaders. Tried to leave it overnight and after about 2ish hours (according to the event log) it looks like it caused my system to reboot.

Only 235,000 left to go, and then probably the linux ones, weeeeee!

After 7 hours of compiling… hung and locked up my computer. :confused: Had to reset reboot.

Last messages were:

LogCookCommandlet:Display: Up to date: (path)/Output/(mod name)/WindowsNoEditor(snip)
LogCookCommandlet: Full GC…
LogCookCommandlet: Processing package (path)/Content/MAPS/THEISLANDSUBMAPS/C2_Far(snip)

Think I’ll put this game mod on the shelf again for now :slight_smile:

I also have this situation

+1 compiling ~120k shaders only to crash after a while. Zero edits to theisland. in fact I copied over a vanilla install, copied my stuff in, and cooked a TC only to have it cook theisland regardless.

if you have 201.5 dont specify a map

Not specifying a map, Azunai.

It just… happens for no reason.

after 11 hours compiling a zero change TC without a map specified:

fx 8350, 16gb ddr3, samsung 850 pro (pagefile & UEE location)

i resign

What do you mean by ‘Do not specify a map’ I do not have a map specified unless you count the mod one, and still it has taken 10 hours so far and that iis just the shaders, it still has to cook the mod yet! Also it started with 486 shaders so I left it cooking and went to work when I got back 10 hours later I expected it to have cooked but no it was at 4 shaders left, then when it got to zero it went back to 17 shaders left, WTF is happening.

The only thing I have specified is the game data override blueprint nothing else, it appears the update is bad.

The error I am getting in the window is Material:Warning:Shaders Remaining 7

It has just gone down to zero again then restarted at Shaders Remaining 11, no-one minds a wait while cooking but 11+ hours is a bit much for a mod to cook.

Oh and by the way I have a AMD A10 quad core computer running 16 Gb of ram with a Radeon HD7770 Graphics card with 2 Gb memory, This is before someone says ‘it’s your memory’!