Anyone ALIVE here? Why does my scene not show anymore? Please I need my viewfinder back.


I have been searching for any tutorial about how to get my viewfinder back but obviously I am not asking the right question in the right lingo.

it leaves me dumbfounded. Managed to import a huge model into 1st person game template
after two years of building it in SketchUP then passing via Twinmotion and D

atasmith to UE5.4

Made numerous screenshots of it since then,
Yesterday tried VIVE VR couln’t connect due to not finding the right PLUGIN for VIVE VR.
Then still pushing I tried “PLAY preview”
That is where I found out my entire model is standing NEXT to the game floor that is much smaller
than my model in the real world is a square of 200 x 200 meters 18 levels over and under ground.
So as I started walking towards it at the edge I kept on falling into the under the ground level and then simply nothing.
So I stopped and wanted to get back into the “Viewfinder” and couldn’t I clicked STOP play preview again. Then I can’t explain but I clicked “something” ( a setting I presume" that maximized one menu all over the screen.
I must admit I am an autodidact beginner with UE 5.4 and find it very difficult to explain my situation with the right IR lingo. Basically I can’t see my entire model (highlighted to the right in the screenshot)
What to do. I restarted UE 5.4 and it open up again in the same frustrating setting.
I rebooted the PC and restarted still the same.
How to get the basic start up setting again? I see the model thumbnail in the content but then when I click on it it goes back to the menu only screen.

Thanks to anyone here “alive” :slight_smile: and well I hope

Edit > Editor Preferences > Miscellaneous > Reset UI Layout


I found the answer by myself just in case any other beginner searches frantically to see their classic viewport again.
Simply go to top menu >Window > viewports > the click > viewport1

In wish we’d get answers to questions and not messages “Thanks for spending time with us” etc.
When one comes from the SketchUP forum that is ultra helpful very often in minutes or just a few hours. I find it very this forum very quite.
I guess because my beginner questions aren’t very interesting.