Any way to update HUD through setting it in GameMode

Hi! I’m trying to update the HUD Class for my Gamemode. Currently I have it so that on Key Press, it triggers this function below, which cycles through my Interfaces and sets the next in line to be the HUD Class. This all runs through fine, but the HUD does not visually update. Am I missing a function call or something? Or will it just not work like this.

The latter :slight_smile:

You are changing the HUD Class, but this will only result in that class being used for players who join the game after that, and then that is HUD they will have, even after triggering this again.

Don’t change the GameMode’s HUD Class, if this really needs to be done in the GameMode then this node should work:

Depending on the situation though, this is probably best handled client side (does the server care what HUD the player is currently using?).

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Yes thank you this is perfect! This is simply for debugging the interfaces we are making in GameFace so it will never be used by a player.